Summit Envirosolutions

1217 Bandana Blvd North
St. Paul, MNย  55108
Phone: 651-262-4236
Fax: 651-647-0888
Web:ย www.summite.comย ย 
Contact: Bill Gregg

Water Supply Development; Drill Logging; AQUA TRUEVUE Data Visualization Tool; Well Field Optimization; Remote Sensing for Water Levels and Water Quality; EPIPHANY Data Analysis Platform; Silica Sand Prospecting; Soil and Rock Descriptions; Aquifer Test Analysis, Silica Sand Mining Permitting, and GIS Mapping; Environmental Site Assessment; Sampling Environmental Media for Laboratory Chemical Analyses; Property Transfers; Environmental Review; Wellhead Protection; Superfund, Brownfield, and Voluntary Cleanup; Expert Witness Testimony; Site Characterization and Remediation; Archaeological Inventory and Site Assessment; Archaeological Investigation, Excavation, and Collection; Cultural Resource Preservation and Mitigation; Site Evaluations for the National Register of Historic Places; Historical Architechture Evaluation; Architectural Surveys; Lithic Analysis of Stone Tool Assemblages; and Analysis of Artifact Assemblages.

Area served:ย Nationwide
